Revamped Voidstalkers Join Artel Miniatures’ Collection

September 25, 2024 by brennon

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Artel W Miniatures has put together a great set of revamped miniatures for fans of Space Elves in their Sci-Fi wargames. Good for 28mm to 32mm wargaming, you can now get your hands on some great Voidstalkers.

Red Witch Voidstalker Prime #2 - Artel W Miniatures

Red Witch Voidstalker Prime // Artel W Miniatures

Leading the way, we have the Red Witch who can lead your sword-dancing slayers into the heart of combat. You imagine her to be able to dodge around even the deadliest shots that come her way before leaping at you and carving you into pieces before you know what's what! The Red Witch comes with plenty of bits for you to choose from so you can either use her as a member of your standard fighting force or a fringe element within your army.

Red Witch Voidstalker Prime #1 - Artel W Miniatures

Red Witch Voidstalker Prime // Artel W Miniatures

I quite like the more Exodite design of the Red Witch, which might be because I have been enjoying the thought of crafting a Ynnari force for my Aeldari in Warhammer 40,000. You could imagine her leaping into battle alongside a band of dinosaurs riding knife-ears.

Another of the characters that you can pick up is the Voidstalker Exiles Leader.

Voidstalker Exiles Leader - Artel W Miniatures

Voidstalker Exiles Leader // Artel W Miniatures

She can be used to lead your Voidstalkers, clad as she is in her bone armour and again she comes with a selection of different options for you to choose from. The painted example above is just one option for the character.

Another character also found their way into the latest crop of releases from Artel. See what you make of Malynine Cloakbait.

Malynine Cloakbait - Artel W Miniatures

Malynine Cloakbait // Artel W Miniatures

A distinctly more boutique miniature for your army but she could find her way into a Ynnari force I reckon. Use her as your sniper of choice and again, you have options to choose from in the build. She is much more of a pin-up than the rest of the range so she might also be a good painting project for you to embark on.

Voidstalker Troops

As well as the characters, you can also get your hands on a couple of different sets for the Voidstalkers. There is a standard Exiles set which gives you your Aspect Warriors.

Voidstalker Exiles Squad - Artel W Miniatures

Voidstalker Exiles Squad // Artel W Miniatures

They are all in different poses, ready for combat, swishing their swords around and slicing off limbs. If you want to get even more Voidstalkers, there is a Pack which also comes with the character that we saw first in this piece.

Voidstalkers Pack - Artel W Miniatures

Voidstalkers Pack // Artel W Miniatures

A pretty awesome selection for those wanting to take their Starborn Ancients in a different direction with unique sculpts. Until Games Workshop gets their act together with a lot of the other Aspect Warriors for the Aeldari, you'll want to look at folks like Artel for the goodies to make your army look swanky.

Will you be picking up these sets?

"... you'll want to look at folks like Artel for the goodies to make your army look swanky"

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