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2024 Painting Log

2024 Painting Log

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Rebel, rebel

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I’ve finally come to the end of my current backlog of Star Wars: Shatterpoint miniatures (at least until November when the next round comes out). These were a lot of fun to do — as they are characters from a cartoon show, they are more brightly colored than a lot of the Shatterpoint characters have been. I certainly got in a lot of practice painting yellow and orange, two notoriously difficult colors.

I tried a few different techniques on these. For Hera and Chopper I tried to step away from my usual over-reliance on drybrushing and washes, instead doing most of the work by layering from dark up to light shades. Kev Dallimore is one of my favorite painters, and I think I’m finally starting to understand what he is doing to get the effects he gets.

Sabine, Ezra and Kanan were done using the pretty standard basecoat-wash-drybrush technique. I did that mainly because all three of them have source lighting from lightsabers and explosions, and that’s pretty easy to do with a little drybrushing.

Zeb was done using the old black primer-drybrush-speedpaint technique. Speedpaint yellow is just as hard to work with as regular yellow (for different reasons) and I ended up painting over most of it with a few shades of regular yellow paint. I’m still not 100% sold on speedpaint, but I’m going to keep working with it for now.

Overall I’m pretty pleased with how they came out. Now if I can just make time to get a game in…

2024 models painted so far: 173, for 5 different games

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