Collins Does Combat Patrol
Recommendations: 63
About the Project
Ive decided to diversify my painting backlog for as long as I my wallet can sustain or until I get in the poopoo for having too many toy soldiers
Related Game: Warhammer 40,000
Related Company: Games Workshop
Related Genre: Science Fiction
This Project is Active
Wave 1 of Termagaunts
These badboys were done simply following the GW video as before. Relatively easy but did take a while due to only getting 20 mins at a time to paint them.
Golden Button award!
For shamelessly inspiring OTTBen he has rewarded me with a golden button! thanks!
Episode 6 - Barbgaunts
so I managed to paint these in 2 evenings which is quite quick for me.
the contrast red I had was super vibrant and poppy, too much so for the grim dark and biological look these are supposed to have. I added a violet wash which did dull them down a bit but I’m not happy with the colour to be honest.
I won’t revisit them though, these chaps are done and will stay like this. remember, perfect is the enemy of done and done is good enough to say completed.
nicer photos to follow in due course
The first Space Marines for 15 years
Now, I’m not going to lie, I was like everyone else and aggrieved when GW moved to primarius marines. I had zero reasons to be as I didn’t play the game, I didn’t own any minis at that point (I’d sold them years before) and quite frankly I was just being butt hurt about it for no reason other than GW kicked my dog.
I previously had a load of Dark Angels, and by loads, I like everyone else had an entire company of them (5th Company to be precise), all in transports and with a cool command rhino too (Damocles???). The only ones I didn’t sell were the first ones I ever painted. they’ll never go.
for my foray into combat patrol and the new models I decided to branch out from green good bad confused-definitely-hiding-something guys. I’d seen on the XLBS recently Ben talking about the blood ravens from the PC game Dawn of War.
As such, to give myself that lovely nostalgia kick, I too embarked on the red painting crusade…
The painting of this was somewhat home brewed, didn’t follow a painting guide for this one but I am super happy with how they came out.
started off with mephiston red and washed it down with nuln oil and then layered back up mephiston and then edge highlighted up with evil sunz scarlet.
the shoulder pads were easy. Screaming skull with recess shade of agrax earth shade. the edges were German grey highlighted with light German grey (because it was within reach)
the guns swords and bits were done with the new army painter speed paints, hoplite gold, talos bronze and enchanted steel.
the decals came from Etsy forgotten chapters and were put on using micro sol and micro set which is honestly micro magic.
See below for the work in progress and research pictures. but first the money shot
Nids done. Episode 1 & 2
I wanted to paint purple because ive not done it before and because way back when there was an episode of White dwarf that had a batrep where the nids fought the vallhallen ice warriors and it hits the nostalgia spot well.
I didn’t go back to full childhood and do purple and black (as seen below) but I followed leviathan colour scheme following Warhammer tv YouTube channel tutorial.
overall I am happy with the result but there can be so much more that could be done for detailing on these models with more colours. the Warhammer video gets you to what I would consider a basic table top standard (which is fine!)
interesting sidenote, the volcanic ice basing changes colour depending on the light it is viewed under. Best viewed under daylight or blue lights to make it very obvious it is a chunk of ice
(Left = orange light, Right = white light)
So I got in trouble..... again...
picked the first copy up in a WHSmith for £3 and thought it was an interesting concept… I’ve not done anything like this before and am now able to do more painting now I’ve freed up my work/home life balance to be more home than before.
the first two magazines appear to have stuff from the leviathan boxed set (did they make too many that didn’t sell?!?)
been a long time since I painted a GW mini (about 15 years) so it’ll be an interesting exercise to see what’s happened and the advances in details or build etc. as some of the other minis I’ve painted have been boardgames pieces and to be honest they can be pretty ropey at best…
so after mulling it over for a few days I decided that sure, why not I would subscribe. potentially challenging myself to paint one magazine of models a week (I bet you I don’t succeed!). I might however decided to hoard them and paint them a faction at a time. or I won’t, who knows! join me on this journey! I’ll start with the ‘nids because I’ve never painted them before and space marines are boring