Bolt Action 3rd Edition Roadmap Showcased By Warlord Games

September 23, 2024 by brennon

Warlord Games has put together a Roadmap showcasing when particular Armies Of... books are going to be coming out for Bolt Action 3rd Edition. With Battle Of The Bulge out in the wild, see what the future holds for your army of choice.

Bolt Action Roadmap - Warlord Games

Bolt Action Roadmap // Warlord Games

Get Bolt Action 3rd Edition From Warlord Games

Revealed as part of the Warlord Games Open Day, the Armies Of... supplements are going to be supported by a series of new plastic infantry miniatures and plastic vehicles. Germans led the way followed by the United States then Great Britain, the Soviet Union and the Imperial Japanese.

What nation are you most looking forward to seeing new miniatures for?

"What nation are you most looking forward to seeing new miniatures for?"

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