Launch Date For Midgard Heroic Battles Set For November!

September 23, 2024 by brennon

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Mogsymakes' James has set the release date for the new wargame, Midgard Heroic Battles! This new game is going to be landing November 2024 and will be published by Reisswitz Press.

Midgard Heroic Battles - MogsyMakes

Midgard Heroic Battles // MogsyMakes

The rulebook for Midgard Heroic Battles will be an all-in-one volume containing rules for your Historical and Fantasy clashes on the tabletop as well as five scenarios to play through and twelve sample Force Lists. There will also be an appendix packed with rules for creating your own heroes and units to match the armies you want to play.

Jon Hodgson helped with the layout and art for the book and miniature photography came from Pete Jenkins. As mentioned, Reisswitz Press will be publishing the rules and there will be a pre-order period leading up to the release. We'll make sure to let you know about that!

Midgard Heroic Battles 18mm - MogsyMakes

Midgard Heroic Battles 18mm // MogsyMakes

At its core, Midgard Heroic Battles is a game for two or more players that can typically be played on a 6x4 table using 28mm miniatures and a standard unit width of 12cm. If you're playing an average game, it will take between ninety and 120 minutes with forces of around ten units per side plus your three to five heroes leading the way. Sticking with 28mm, you'll most likely have between eight and ten miniatures per unit and somewhere between eighty and one hundred per side once you get into it.

What's quite nice is that Midgard Heroic Battles can also be played at different scales. You can see 18mm Midgard being played out in the image above. If you're interested in learning more of the key features of Midgard Heroic Battles you can find them HERE.

Midgard Heroic Battles - Heroes Duel - MogsyMakes

Midgard Heroic Battles - Heroes Duel // MogsyMakes

More details on how the game plays can be found HERE. A couple of battle reports, both Historical and Fantasy, are available for you to check out as well as more in-depth looks at force size, battlefields, working in different scales and more.

We saw Midgard Heroic Battles at Salute and the whole idea behind the game caught our eye. It's ace that the game is going to be coming to the tabletop later this year and we're certainly going to be having a closer look at it. Make sure to check out the Facebook Group too!

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"Could you be tempted to dive into Midgard Heroic Battles?"

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