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Warlord Games Open Day 2024.

Warlord Games Open Day 2024.

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Project Blog by intelligentmistertoad Cult of Games Member


About the Project

I had the pleasure of attending Warlord Games's annual Open Day. I borrowed my school Pal Laurie's tripod and microphone, sadly the sound app would not work (had no truck with!!!) with Laurie's sound equipment, so please turn the audio up. I had a great time and I hope though amatauer and with basic equipment, that my videos are entertaining and answer present questions about Warlord, Industry Stars and Bolt Action in particular. I managed to film highlights of the presentations and some unique interviews. I went u with the Ministry of miniatures and my gaming group and had a really great day out. It was smashing to meet so many people who's work I have admired online and not least, so many indisrtry luminaries. There was however sadly one empty seat at the table, Paul Sawyer was very much missed. I hope that the following project give a good overview of the day with some unique highligts..

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Introduction from John Stallard.

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A brief but enjoyable introduction from John Stallard, (Big Boss at Warlord Games) with the “Timely” arrival of Rick Priestly (known not least for inventing a little game called Warhammer 40,000)!

Signed 1st Edition Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game rule books.

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A real bonus on the day for me, was meeting so many Big Names in the industry and hearing their fantastic stories.

I took along my original ‘Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game’ books and Rick Priestly and Alessio Cavatore were kind enough to sign them!

Suddenly my beloved old books feel a LOT more special!

Alessio Cavatore Interview.

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I had the pleasure to interview Alessio Cavatore on a range of hobby subjects spanning Bolt Action version 3, Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game and River Horse Games My Little Pony: Tales of Equestria. No script, running order and sadly no working microphone on the day, but plenty of unique questions and a great interviewee.