Grab A Brilliant Barbarian Warband From Stronghold Terrain

September 18, 2024 by brennon

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Stronghold Terrain has just recently added a range of 28mm scale Barbarians to their collection for use in whatever Fantasy wargame takes your fancy. Perhaps a little bit of SAGA? These have come from the old Elladan Miniatures collection and there are seven of them for you to choose from.

Drong The Soulkeeper - Stronghold Terrain

Drong, The Soulkeeper // Stronghold Terrain

Each of the miniatures looks suitably epic and would be a great option for those seeking to build a new warband for and adventurous skirmish game. It's hard not to snap up the rather excellent Drong, leaping forth (the rock is included) to bring that sword down on the head of some terrible beast from the northern wastes.

Mel - Stronghold Terrain

Mel // Stronghold Terrain

The range features sculpts by Boris Woloszyn and Kev White, both stunning sculptors who are great at capturing movement, character and the human form. Whilst they have different names (of course), I think Drong and Mel could be a suitably good pairing for those seeking to go a bit Conan and Red Sonja.

Some of the other characters in the collection take inspiration from other great Barbarian/Northmen like Whirrunn von Blei here. Here's looking at you Abercrombie fans.

Whirrunn von Blei - Stronghold Terrain

Whirrunn von Blei // Stronghold Terrain

You've also got another favourite of mine from this collection, Hruthgar Wolfbane. This fellow looks like he could be the wise veteran of your barbarian clan. Maybe he used to be an old berserker who gets drawn back into the fighting one last time, unleashing that rage on your most hated foe!

Hruthgar Wolfbane - Stronghold Terrain

Hruthgar Wolfbane // Stronghold Terrain

There are three more miniatures for you to check out on the Stronghold Terrain website so if these miniatures have caught your eye, there's more where they came from. As someone who is just a little bit obsessed with barbarians at the moment, I could easily be tempted to grab these as alternative options for my warband!

What do you make of these barbarians?

"The range features sculpts by Boris Woloszyn and Kev White..."

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