Snap Up Ragnarok Miniatures’ Awesome New Trolls On Kickstarter

September 18, 2024 by brennon

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Ragnarok Miniatures' Colin Patten has now taken to Kickstarter with their awesome range of Norse Mythology-inspired Trolls for use in your 28mm Fantasy wargames. Trollheim presents these awesome new miniatures in white metal, ready to battle Viking warriors and the combined forces of Elves, Men and Dwarves!

trollheim main

Trollheim Kickstarter // Ragnarok Miniatures

All of these miniatures have been sculpted by Colin by hand and give you plenty of great options for the previously mentioned Norse-themed Trolls but also those that would slot very nicely into Tolkienesque wargames. You've got Trolls in heavy armour, stripped to the waist with meaty stone clubs in their mitts and also some long-earned fellows that are on the hunt for those with Christian blood!

The Bovvers - Ragnarok Miniatures S

The Bovvers // Ragnarok Miniatures

The Rukkers - Ragnarok Miniatures S

The Rukkers // Ragnarok Miniatures

The Stahlsons - Ragnarok Miniatures S

The Stahlsons // Ragnarok Miniatures

The Pinebutts - Ragnarok Miniatures S

The Pinebutts // Ragnarok Miniatures

You can get your hands on individual Trolls, in groups or just grab yourself the entire collection and make sure you're sorted when it comes to Trolls for life. I always like the character Colin works into his sculpts and it's nice seeing the influences that he has drawn from including the work of Angus McBride.

As well as the Trolls, you can also get your hands on a whole bunch of additional miniatures from Colin's Ragnarok collection. There are hosts of Goblin Archers and also these Uruks who are going to look at ending the world of Men!

Uruk Warband - Ragnarok Miniatures

Uruk Warband // Ragnarok Miniatures

If you're playing games like Oathmark, these would be fantastic miniatures to supplement the plastic range by North Star. They would also be perfect for a bit of SAGA: Age Of Magic. You could also use these as alternative miniatures in Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game if you wanted to go with a more classic Tolkienesque look rather than the Peter Jackson aesthetic.

What do you make of these new Trolls?

"If you're playing games like Oathmark, these would be fantastic miniatures to supplement the plastic range by North Star..."

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