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Dan's 2024 Side Projects

Dan's 2024 Side Projects

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Eh Oh!!!

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Eh Oh!!!

These are some unusual minis from a recent kickstarter, the Eldertubbies.


I took the “150mm” models and scaled them down to 66% to make some “100mm” scales minis which are a bit more practical for display.


I imagine these models represent the tellytubbies once they’ve got to late middle-age and life has beaten them down, combined with the fact that they’re actually monsters. They like to wonder the forest and eat children that wonder too close to watch their TV tummies. They struggle with drug addictions and bad life habits like smoking and alcoholism.


The base colours were warp lightningiyanden yellowblood angels red or syish purple contrast paints. This looked too clean for these darker themed minis, so they all got a layer of skeleton horde to grubby them up.


The faces and inner ears were painted grey seer then painted with apothecary white.


The claws were painted grey seer then painted skeleton horde.


The tummies got several layers of wraithbone to get a nice clean TV picture.

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