Duellists & Jägers Join Perry Miniatures’ Napoleonic Collection

September 17, 2024 by brennon

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Perry Miniatures added a few new sets of 28mm miniatures to their website this week with new miniatures for your dioramas as well as some sneaky Jägers for the Prussians. A solid crop of new miniatures for your Napoleonic wargames.

Duelists - Perry Miniatures

Duellists // Perry Miniatures

Leading the way, we have these dashing Duellists who were previewed a few weeks ago. You get two officers swashbuckling over some perceived slight alongside their seconds who are keeping an eye out to see if they need to get involved. You also have characters watching from the sidelines to see who comes out on top and a lovely cat!

The Prussians are getting themselves two additional sets of miniatures with the Jäger Command and Jäger Skirmishers popping up for your Prussians.

Jager Command - Perry Miniatures

Jäger Command // Perry Miniatures

The Jägers look exceptionally dashing in their deep green, running through the woods and getting into place to ambush their foes. The Command set looks great with a couple of options for leaders and some fellows with their horns at the ready for sounding the advance or maybe a tactical retreat.

The second set features Jägers doing what they do best, Skirmishing.

Jager Skirmishing - Perry Miniatures

Jäger Skirmishing // Perry Miniatures

Again, a dashing set of miniatures for your Prussians resplendent in their deep green and with that lovely hint of red to draw the eye. I'm sure a lot of folks will be scooping these up for use in their Napoleonic armies.

Drop your thoughts on the new miniatures from the Perry twins below!

"The Jägers look exceptionally dashing in their deep green..."

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