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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Time to Solve the Miniatures Storage Problem.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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When I first started painting these fun little miniatures I just had a core set and a couple of additional individuals.  Storing them was easy as I could put each mini in a separate space in a divided bin.  As I collected and painted more I just filled the box, added a second box, then a third larger box for the biggest models.  As models were sharing spots I began using bubble wrap to protect them, not ideal for numerous reasons.  This was never the permanent plan as even in bubble wrap there is pressure being put on delicate parts of the models.

Despite having a bunch of Army Transport bags and foam trays, I’ve decided the best way to store these minis is standing up, not touching anything but the bottom of the bases.  Some research showed a number of different options, some more expensive than others.  In the end I didn’t want to get something 3D printed or that held the bases in place using pressure or rubber bands.  I am not a huge fan of rare earth magnets for a lot of reasons but found some excellent options that were traditional magnets that require less deforestation to manufacture.  I’m looking into different plastic bins to store the minis in as well different ways to attach them to said bins.


I’ll be sharing the results here soon.

Here are the three storage boxes that I've now filled. There is no reason to add a fourth to this failed strategy.Here are the three storage boxes that I've now filled. There is no reason to add a fourth to this failed strategy.
Can't tell one mini from another with all the bubble wrap and good luck figuring out what is stored where.Can't tell one mini from another with all the bubble wrap and good luck figuring out what is stored where.
Trying to store in and then dig through these boxes looking for minis will lead to breakage one day.Trying to store in and then dig through these boxes looking for minis will lead to breakage one day.
So, one day happened and I found Immortal Hulk had broken off the parking meter from his base.  No surprise.  He's a big destructive fellow after all. Let's see if we can find a better storage solution.So, one day happened and I found Immortal Hulk had broken off the parking meter from his base. No surprise. He's a big destructive fellow after all. Let's see if we can find a better storage solution.

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