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Denziens Empire of the Dead

Denziens Empire of the Dead

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More building restoration

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Skill 2
Idea 1
These two buildings I think don't suite Victoriana as much. I might save these for 20s pulp games. I think the doors are too modern compared to my other buildings and will clash with my 3D prints. These two buildings I think don't suite Victoriana as much. I might save these for 20s pulp games. I think the doors are too modern compared to my other buildings and will clash with my 3D prints.
More building restoration
The pub from timeline miniatures was originally used in my 1916 Easter Rising game. I've painted the facade white so it stands out more.The pub from timeline miniatures was originally used in my 1916 Easter Rising game. I've painted the facade white so it stands out more.
More building restoration

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denzienhutch Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Nice buildings, but I agree with you that they would probably look better in a Prohibition Wars or Pulp type of setting.
I’m not sure what exactly it is with the buildings but maybe changing the upper floor and maybe the roof for some scratch-built stuff to make them fit in? the ground floors are very usable though.

Are you going for a full 4’x4′ set-up?

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