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Denziens Empire of the Dead

Denziens Empire of the Dead

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Set up ideas

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Before I started 3D printing I got out my current collection to see what I could put together. There are a number of different environments to play games on. One is residential so I made a little grave yard to add a bit of green to the cobbled mat.Before I started 3D printing I got out my current collection to see what I could put together. There are a number of different environments to play games on. One is residential so I made a little grave yard to add a bit of green to the cobbled mat.
My MDf buildings are OK but I think they might clash with the brick work on the 3D prints.My MDf buildings are OK but I think they might clash with the brick work on the 3D prints.
For an industrial zone I thought about dock lands. I have some coastal tiles that I've covered with some boarding to create docks.For an industrial zone I thought about dock lands. I have some coastal tiles that I've covered with some boarding to create docks.
I painted them up and added some jetties.I painted them up and added some jetties.
Set up ideas

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