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Building a 6mm Baccus ACW Confederate army for a new game system to be announced

Building a 6mm Baccus ACW Confederate army for a new game system to be announced

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Final army list, well almost final list

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 1

6 bases – Generals (4 per base)
3 bases – Sub Generals (2 per base)
42 bases – Infantry – 8 Regiments of 5 bases (12 per base)
22 bases – Skirmishers (4 per base)
14 bases – Artillery (Artillery piece and 4 crew)
18 bases – Cavalry (5 per base)
18 bases – Dismounted Cavalry (5 per base)

working on the last Infantry Regiment

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torrosbuggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Are you playing historical scenarios or just using a points based system?

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