Community Spotlight: HATE Barbarians, US Infantry & Quar By The Bucketful!

September 18, 2024 by brennon

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We'll be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


HATE Barbarians by scarhandpainting

We start this week looking at the work of scarhandpainting who has been showing off the work on the HATE board game miniatures from CMON. This is another commission project and interestingly, according to scarhandpainting could end up being the most challenging of his career! A big challenge awaits.

HATE #1 by Scarhandpainting

scarhandpainting was given freedom to paint these miniatures however he liked but they had to be high-end finishes. I imagine it helps that scarhandpainting is quite the fan of the game and the artist Adrian Smith who worked on the concepts for all of these miniatures. I really like the HATE artwork and the board game miniatures that were created by CMON and it's good to see them on the painting table getting worked on.

HATE #2 by Scarhandpainting

As you can see, these miniatures (above) are still being painted but they are already looking great. The grim and gritty look of the paint schemes is coming through and I like that there are already focal points developing on the characters. The tattoo and warpaint work is top-notch and I can't wait to see how more of the miniatures end up.

And as if my magic, here are some of the first finished miniatures.

HATE #3 by Scarhandpainting

Rather gorgeous and in keeping with the style of the artwork from HATE. It seems like scarhandpainting is going to be having a lot of fun with this project and it's good to see HATE making an appearance once again. I never did dive into the game when it was on Kickstarter but it looked good! I wonder if there are folks in the community who can enlighten me as to how it plays.


US Infantry by oriskany

For the next two painting projects, we're going to be exploring the What Are You Painting Now? thread in our forums. We start with some World War II work by oriskany who has been painting up some US Infantry for 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One).

World War II US Infantry #1 by oriskany

It was neat seeing these getting painted up considering we're going to be getting a new edition of Bolt Action soon. These might see action in other games of course but I thought that the work that oriskany had done here was neat and tidy and packed with the usual detail that he gets stuck into when working on projects.

World War II US Infantry #2 by oriskany

There are plenty of regular infantry in the force as well as specialist weapons and a breakdown throughout the preview talks about how the army works composition-wise. On the painting side of things, I liked that all of the little straps and buckles have been painted and special attention has been paid to drilling out the barrels of the bazookas!

World War II US Infantry #3 by oriskany

There are also all of the proper markings on their uniforms and the back of the helmets. According to oriskany, with a few support teams and vehicles this army will be complete. I think it looks great and can't wait to see it on the tabletop.


Quar by blipvertus

Last but not least, and also from What Are You Painting Now, we have blipvertus and some work on the Wargames Atlantic and ZombieSmith plastic Quar.

Quar #1 by blipvertus

I always like seeing people painting up the Quar miniatures because they seem like so much fun. You've got the bright skin which can be mottled and spotted but always lurid alongside drab and dirty uniforms. It's an awesome contrast to see on the final miniatures and means that you can exercise some of that Historical painting mojo AND your Fantasy/Sci-Fi mojo too.

Quar #2 by blipvertus

A whole bunch of the Quar have been painted up and done in all sorts of different colours. I like that blipvertus didn't just stop with the block colour skin and went for the extra spotting to help add some detail to the miniatures. The basing is also great and fits with the muddy warfare these Quar end up getting involved in.

Quar #3 by blipvertus

Some more specialist miniatures got added to the Quar range recently with these fellows above. I hope that we get to see this Quar force in its entirety soon and hopefully it will get thrown into the action soon as well.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

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