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Collins Does Star Wars Legion

Collins Does Star Wars Legion

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Imperial SpecOps ready to strike

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Back into the stars I go, been a while since my last update (over a year!!) and I am restarting with another faction, the Empire.

Ive decided to make use of a cracking base I saw on Facebook. I cannot claim credit for this so see the piccies for the creditable person.

tried out a number of different base colour schemes along the theme, but the original colours were the best.tried out a number of different base colour schemes along the theme, but the original colours were the best.
Imperial SpecOps ready to strike

I asked the House of Water #besthouse for advice on which of these two schemes was the best. the vote came back as blue clothing with black armour, so a mix of the two schemes.


I then swiftly ignored the masses and went with grey clothing and black armour as I felt it would be better.

The paint colours I’ve used are

  • White Primer
  • Black templar Contrast
  • grey contrast
  • evil suns red
  • enchanted metal speedpaint
  • nuln oil
  • cadian fleshtone
  • fleshtone wash
  • Kislev flesh

so for the most part, these models have been done with contrast and no highlighting except on the faces and bases. Relatively quick paintjob to be honest and the face/bases distract from how little effort has actually been put into these.

Imperial SpecOps ready to strike
Imperial SpecOps ready to strike
Imperial SpecOps ready to strike
Imperial SpecOps ready to strike
Imperial SpecOps ready to strike

The little droid was pictured in all the promotional material as having its own base. It was then delivered without the flying stand and base. as far as im aware the newer made ones rectified this but there wasn’t a course of redress for people who bought an older packaged one.

I solved this little conundrum (as I don’t think the droid has much need for its own base, and if it does, I can re-solve or apply the DILLIGAF rule) using a paperclip, and black contrast paint. The paperclip was straightened out and then bent into a sharp 90 degree L shape where the base of the L is glued to the underside of the base and the upright passes through a small drilled hole and up into the base of the droid. all secured with superglue.

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Cult of Games Member

Nice alien basing!

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