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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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Aaaaaaaaaaand DONE!

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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So the day has been spent removing the walls from the foamcore, taking them all apart and cleaning them, same as before. This time however, I’d been careless with the lighting, so had to stipple Grey Seer over the yellow and red, then covered that with a coat of contrast Warpstone green, followed by a coat of Ork Flesh.

Oh yes, as you can see, this set, I did the pillar caps in silver. This was a rattle can of Army Painter platemail Metal, heavy washes of homemade black and brown washes, drybrush of GW Leadbelcher followed by a gentle brush of GW Runefang Steel.

But that’s set two completed, with additional breach-able walls. With that done, I’ll give it a proper photo shoot too soon but first? The additional terrain that came with the “Into the Dark” as well as the computers and misc terrain from one set of “Soulshackle”. So still some stuff to do before I even think about set three.

Aaaaaaaaaaand DONE!

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