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Last Roman Saga

Last Roman Saga

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Second warrior unit finished off.

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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I kept these closer to the brown primer. I painted the circles and shoulder decorative bits. For those that I didn't splash white over the edges they just got a wash and a highlight. For the ones with the most tidy up required I changed the tunic colour to Catachan flesh, Steel Legion Drab and Mournfang Brown.I kept these closer to the brown primer. I painted the circles and shoulder decorative bits. For those that I didn't splash white over the edges they just got a wash and a highlight. For the ones with the most tidy up required I changed the tunic colour to Catachan flesh, Steel Legion Drab and Mournfang Brown.
Lloyd shot. Wherever there was a bit of sprue tag left over I chose to incorporate it into the paint scheme. One looked like it was torn clothing on an elbow, so I just painted flesh underneath it to mock a tear. On another elbow and on a tag on a head I made it look like a cut.Lloyd shot. Wherever there was a bit of sprue tag left over I chose to incorporate it into the paint scheme. One looked like it was torn clothing on an elbow, so I just painted flesh underneath it to mock a tear. On another elbow and on a tag on a head I made it look like a cut.
Second warrior unit finished off.

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