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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I’ve posted some of the Work in Progress on this ferrous fellow but here he is in his finished glory.  Non-Metalic Metal still isn’t my strong suit in fact I’d go so far as to say it is still a weak point in my skill set but this is one of my better attempts to date.  I’m not ready to try and make him look chrome but he does look to be shiny and sort of metallic.  I got to use him in game and while I didn’t notice his Big Brother power until after Wolverine had been crushed under a garbage truck by Captain Marvel, Colossus did get revenge by Knocking Out the Kree warrior.  He is one tough character and literally a “Man of Steel”.  I hope to get to use the Fastball Special Tactics Card soon.

Another great pose and it went together easily.  More broken Sentinel pieces to tie the team together visually.

Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus
Comrade Pioter Rasputin Joins the X-Men as Colossus

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