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Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

Painting Marvel Crisis Protocol With 144Artist

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The Beauty of the Beast

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Looking back to the original founding X-Men I present Hank McCoy, The Beast.  Granted this is his later form as originally he was just a beefy guy with big prehensile feet.  I’ve always liked this version more so am glad AMG went with it.  I am looking forward the Angel coming out later this year so I can try and field the original team but I would love to see AMG release a version of the team in their original yellow and black costumes.


I haven’t yet decided on what he should be reading but when I do I’ll revisit him and add details.  Right now I am leaning toward comic book pages or Belle from Beauty and the Beast.

The Beauty of the Beast
The Beauty of the Beast
The Beauty of the Beast
The Beauty of the Beast
The Beauty of the Beast
The Beauty of the Beast

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