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From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

From the workbench of the esteemed Horati0nosebl0wer

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From the ashes of defeat grow the roses of success

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Horati0, what is best for mini painting?

To crush your enemies in competition, drive them before you with award in hand and hear the lamentations of their women (kind of a pipe dream as spouses rarely accompany for these kinds of things)… or to be an unemployed barbarian

Once more on the employment merry-go-round and it’s getting old. To keep spirits up while doing the search for work I’ve gone about getting my brush in motion as might’ve been evident recently. I’m just about ready to wrap up all the Giftmas givings and keep punching out the random things sitting on the backburner.

Thanks to what I have in store for Lloyd I’m getting onboard with my display pieces once more. Motivation is motivating when going from victory to victory. Let’s just hope he sees it that way as well (heh heh heh).

Amish Space elves for Giftmas?

Will Ben finally get around to doing Exodites?Will Ben finally get around to doing Exodites?

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