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Xenos Rampant

Xenos Rampant

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List building - Spartiates

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 2
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I had an idea to create a force of opposite types in the game, some super expensive super soldiers coupled with some cheap as chips rabble. This should offer some interesting options for the commander as the super soldiers will hit hard but are few in number so potentially vulnerable to concentrated fire from the opponent.  The mass rabble offer the option to screen them or tie up the opposition in a grinding hand to hand leaving the supers to focus on the objectives.

I have some of the Airfix Robogear miniatures who are proto Space Marines.  These are great value if you haven’t seen them before.  Didn’t like the sculpts much but did have a spare set of resin Spartan stylalised heads that together made some unique super soldier miniatures.  The heads had the compulsory grimdark skull detailing and that led me to making this an undead faction and combining my super soldiers with hordes of undead.  I had a box of Wargames Atlantic skeletons and their styling is after the ancient Greek so they should feel like there is an affinity in styling with the super soldiers.

24 points as standard. Final list is:

5 Spartiates Elite inc. officer (6), anti-tank weapon (+2) Undead (+0) – 8 points
5 Spartiates Elite inc. officer (6), anti-tank weapon (+2) Undead (+0) – 8 points
15 Primitive Infantry Hoplites (1) Mob (+2) with primitive missiles (+1) – 4 points
15 Primitive Infantry Hoplites (1) Mob (+2) with primitive missiles (+1) – 4 points

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