Community Spotlight: Gaslands, Killer Droids & D&D Crafting

September 4, 2024 by crew

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Come and join us for another delve into the Projects to find the best of the best from the last week or so. We're going to be getting stuck into lots of great-looking miniature wargaming painting and hobbying this week...


...make sure to always let us know what YOU have been working on and share it across the site.


Gaslands by ewokkebab

We start this week looking at what ewokkebab has been working on. We've explored the world of Gaslands before but it was awesome to see that recently, the project was completed and it was taken to an event where demo games were played!

Gaslands #1 by ewokkebab

PeachCon was held recently and ewokkebab decided that they would dive in and do a demo of the game for people to enjoy. With that, a bunch of terrain was assembled and all of the cars were transported (hopefully on the back of one of those lorries) so that folks could dive in. Whilst, as ewokkebab says, he forgot to pack the mat, it seems like everyone had a great time playing the game and it was good to see such a cool set-up for this awesome post-apocalyptic racing game and destruction derby.

As well as the PeachCon gaming, ewokkebab also took the opportunity to finally show off all of the cars in their Gaslands collection as part of a massive set of galleries. The cars are looking great!

Gaslands #2 by ewokkebab

It's neat to see how much you can tinker with standard toy cars with bits and bobs in order to turn them into post-apocalyptic racers. A good flick of paint and some weathering effects and you should be good to go.

Gaslands #3 by ewokkebab

Make sure to check out more of the images from ewokkebab's project as you might get some inspiration for your next Gaslands project. It's awesome that the game got to be run out and it seems like everyone had lots of fun.


Droids by sundancer

Next up, we're having a look at what sundancer has been doing. As folks in the community will know, sundancer does enjoy a bit of Star Wars and so had a pop recently painting up Dark Troopers in a quick and easy paint scheme. I think the effect looks ace.

Dark Troopers #1 by sundancer

The idea behind painting these miniatures was to start off from black, give everything a quick drybrush with blue and then do a bit of repainting of elements like the joints, weapons and eyes. I think this looks really good and took no time at all. The effect looks great, especially with the varnish.

Dark Troopers #2 by sundancer

Sometimes simple is the right way to go. We spend a lot of time trying to meticulously get our miniatures painted "just right" for the tabletop when in actual fact if you use some simple techniques and you make that neat and tidy across an entire unit or army, you can have your miniatures done in no time.

Dark Troopers #3 by sundancer

As sundancer said in the project, it's not going to win any awards but the effect is great and nails the look of these droids. I was trying to think if I'd do much different when painting these myself. I might go a little lighter on the drybrushing but otherwise, I think these look spot on.


D&D Planning by guru335

Last but not least, we're looking at the continued work of guru335 who has been plotting and planning a big D&D campaign. This project is all about constructing the environments, props and more that the players will be encountering as they dive deeper into their campaign.

D&D #1 by Guru335

What I really, really like about this project is that it shows off what you can do with a bit of crafting skill. You don't need all of those massive Dwarven Forge dungeons but you can take a step up from a basic whiteboard with some scribbles on it. guru335 really likes building these props and it probably makes the game nights for these players when they see all these little maps and such popping up on the table.

D&D #2 by Guru335

There's a great array of different set-ups as part of this project, all based on different adventures like Dragons of Stormwreck Isle and Dragon of Icespire Peak. It's awesome to see those maps becoming a reality on the tabletop and I like the clever use of different components to create height and dramatic set-ups for these adventures.

Some bigger terrain components have made it into the collection as you can see here, but for the most part, the terrain has been designed in that old-fashioned way. I love the additional hatch marking on the edge of terrain to show where it's impassable, just like in the old days.

D&D #3 by Guru335

I think this might be one of my favourite projects of the last year or so. I really like the crafting elements worked into the project and the little "battle reports" that guru335 has written up as well; documenting the adventures of the players. It's a great read and might inspire some folks to do something similar with their roleplaying setups.

What Are You Painting Right Now?

Every week we’re absolutely blown away by the incredible topics that are put into the Projects, it’s getting more difficult to choose Community Spotlights! We love your work and we hope to see a lot more of it in the future!

If you fancy getting your hobby fingers out and showing off your newest paint job, terrain piece or even greatest gaming achievement, we want to know about it! We don’t mind if you’re a newcomer to painting or a veteran of the brush, everything you do inspires us to create more and more content together!

What do you think of the entries this week?

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