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Conan Adventures

Conan Adventures

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Zamoran Companions

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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The Barbaria campaign also came with a bunch of additional miniatures to help build a warband for your games, be they Frostgrave or something else. In this case, these miniatures will form Zamoran allies who are from the local area and also want to bring down this terrible warlock/necromancer and his undead legion.

Zamoran Companions
Zamoran Companions

Again, the process here was to have some fun with something different miniatures-wise and I think the fleshtones worked quite well once again. I also liked that I got to play around with four different colours for their clothing.

The idea is that they will be additional companions for Conan and his Sorceress friend. Not full characters but “basic” warband members who will be able to help even the odds against the legions of skeletons that I intend on throwing against these folks.

Zamoran Companions

The miniatures are slowly coming together for this little project. It’s a bit of a side project next to my Warhammer armies but it’s fun to have something different to work on that could make a small “game in a box” style adventure for my friends.

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