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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Redcoats finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

25th August 2024

Yesterday I finished up the British line infantry.

Didn’t realise how close to finished they were last week.  With the lack of ‘hobby’ through the week I kept thinking I was missing something too ?

They had some more highlights and some basing, and they are ready to go.

I feel that they don’t look very ‘gothic horror’ but have to remind myself that they are meant to be normal soldiers in a bad situation.

Junior officer

The junior officer had an extra highlight stage on his jacket, going up to Evil Sunz Scarlet.

While watching Peachy’s latest Silver Bayonet vid I realised that I had missed the tie back parts on the officers coat. So went back and painted those in.

Redcoats finished
Redcoats finished
Redcoats finished
Redcoats finished

I still need to add some more variety yet.

The Sergeant could potentially be used as a sapper or veteran hunter at a push.

The chap with yellow collar and cuffs could be used as a grenadier.

I have an Artillerist minor conversion and several riflemen to add still.

But I do want to have some cavalry and a highlander for my full sized force. Need to source these still, and don’t want to buy a whole box for just one – so will be searching for sprues online.

Redcoats finished

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Cult of Games Member

Although your money won’t go as far, if you’re just looking for single figures, Front Rank might be worth checking out.

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