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Carnevale gang by The Dace

Carnevale gang by The Dace

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Battle report! Pt1

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Let’s get all of these painted minis on the table ?

This was a 3 player battle with the aim of capturing 2 objectives from roughly the middle of the battlefield.

These objectives could be moved once reached and were scored at the end of the game.

There were also 5 other secret objectives that we the players drew at the start of the game and could complete for 1 victory point each.

I was playing as the Strigoi, my good friends Sam and Joe as the Vatican and Gifted respectively.


18th century Venice18th century Venice

Fantastic scenery provided my Sam.

Now, I played this game a few weeks back so don’t fully remember the events exactly but I’ll do my best.

I’ll tell the tale of this battle in a more narrative way rather than who rolled what etc…


The objectives I needed were in the centre of the board.

I split my force into 2 with some attempting to vault the canal and others taking a longer but perhaps dryer route.


Deployment Deployment

The vaulting of the Canal went well for one of my henchmen as he nimbly sprang from a pole in the middle to the other side.

The other was not so lucky and ending up swimming half of the way.


Meanwhile the other half of my gang encountered some resistance in the form of the Gifteds leader.

He was dispatched by the Implaler, making way for other gang members to catch up.



There now ensued a melee against a few members of the gifted crew  enraged at the death of their leader. Fighting was tough but the Strigoi with their vampiric regeneration won this skirmish.

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