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BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

BigGrim Does Boarding Actions!

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Aw no. Hazard Strips!

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 9

I want a method of seeing, at a glance, where the Bulkheads are. Obviously, hazard strips are an awesome way to do that.

One problem. I SUCK at hazard strips.

Enter a fella called Phil. He posted on one of the myriad 40K that he had created bespoke stickers for himself that fit on the top on the wall sections! One swift PM later, I paid him £12 for 60+ labels that will sort out all three Boarding Actions sets I’ll be working on!

He has since added them to his Ko-Fi shop!

The labels are excellent quality and are delightfully detailed! HIGHLY recommended!

I varnished the surface of the wall over the Bulkheads and once dry, applied all 20 labels required for one set. I then coated them with a coat of gloss varnish which ought to seal them in place.

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All ABOARD! Really coming together! Following for exciting conclusion.

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