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Carnevale gang by The Dace

Carnevale gang by The Dace

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Let the painting commence

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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I LOVE Red and Black / Black and Red as a colour theme.

Having recently watched House of the Dragon and, Targaryen being the main house featured in this with their Black and Red colours I was even more inspired to get started painting my own Warband with this theme.



After a quick prime with some of GW’s Grey seer paint I set about starting my minis

Some Skintone and Browns to start with as well as a bit of something on the bases which I’ll cover in a separate post.

As a rule I don’t like “batch painting” but when I squeeze too much paint from the bottle, I hate it going to waste 😛  hence painting a few minis at once.

Below is a picture of some very early progress


Wallachian Warhost Wallachian Warhost

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