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Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

Draconis does….. The Silver Bayonet

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Colour time again….

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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12th August 2024

Since last update I started working on some colours.

Source images for the green jackets seem to vary quite a bit from a ‘forest’ green to almost black.

I decided to go for one of the more green shades so that it would ‘read’ on the tabletop. Tried out some bronze green I’d used on my tanks, contrast, some mixes of contrast and even found an ancient pot of Dark Angels green that was still usable.

I think that I will go with the Dark Angels green with Nuln Oil wash and highlight. More work than the others but I feel it gives a better end result.

Going for the one on the rightGoing for the one on the right

Same thing with the red. Tried out some contrast paints, some reds, combination with washes etc. Will go with red, agrax and highlight. Although I may thin it somewhat for the trousers.

Colour time again….

I like to then roll out the scheme on a test model, get the order of painting bits, any steps that can be simplified and such. However, I forgot to get many pics on the way, and realised towards the end….

That's one down

Colour time again….
Colour time again….
Colour time again….

But plenty to go....

Colour time again….

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