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Not just dark and blue but cool too!

Not just dark and blue but cool too!

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Step one: Build and prime

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8

So this is very straight forward. Even more simple than doing Stormtroopers. Why? The simplicity! At least when it comes to painting. The assembly was a bit of a PITA with those flying ones.

So what have I done for colours? Prime black, drybush the bejeebus in blue, make the eyes red and all joints get silver! DONE!

Next step: repaint the weapons with my favourite mix of black and boltgun metal, touch up the bases with black and bathe the minis in diluted black wash.

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sundancerzorgJerry Garcia’s Alligatornightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Cool work @Sundancer, I saw these babies on the ‘Hitler Show’ – as Gerry calls it. They are really nice, I think they read as black, despite the bluish highlights which give them a lot of character and make them stand out. I am forced to copy this for a little project I will be starting soon. Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness, after all!


These are button-worthy: your technique is great!

Cult of Games Member

Congratulations on the gold button @sundancer the figures are looking brilliant for the game table’s 👍🏅

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