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The conclusion: Magnetic attraction and sticky situations

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3

To make my fancy base holders with their magnets actually stick to the book, I added a galvanised steel plate, which I ordered with the correct dimentions. It fit almost perfectly! The only problem was that the greyboard had gone slightly bendy after the book binder’s glue sticking it to the linnen dried.

My dad, who did a book binding course many many years ago told me that there was a trick to avoid this, but he couldn’t remember… As a homegrown remedy, I just added weights on top so the metal plate would hopefully glue on snugly and keep the rest of the cover straight(er).


The conclusion: Magnetic attraction and sticky situations

So here it is, the finished product! Below you can see two images with the base holder and the paper minis actually in there. The magnets attach perfectly to the metal plate. Not too weak so they will slide around, and not too strong that you can barely get the holders out. Note also that I’ve finally added the slide-in wall that faces the spine. I’m thinking that next time, rather then sliding it in, I might add a hinge instead.

Two photos of the whole thing closed, plus the whisked eggwhite test!

And finally, on a bookshelf. Next to War and Peace proper. Where it belongs.

The conclusion: Magnetic attraction and sticky situations


As you may have noticed from my bungling, this was a prototype. I intend to make at least one more, but then for my French paper army. I’ve also got an idea to make more, slightly different projects combining books and my love of miniatures, but more about those in the future hopefully!

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Cult of Games Member

That’s a brilliant way to stand the army’s between game’s @lonkelo I got a thought at the back of my head about a guy talking about the army marching on papper I think it was in Sharpe (regiment?🤔)when he an Harper re’enlisted the army to see where the missing troops they were expecting never arrived to the army positions congratulations on the gold button.👍🏅👍

Cult of Games Member

With all this done would you consider your paper people as being deckeled edges? Would you also call this a perfect bound army? Will you move onto fine binding leather or wood for your next challenge?

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