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Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

Moonstone with not multi award winning painting

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The Goblin Airship part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Over the last couple of weeks I have worked on the goblin airship which will complete my built Moonstone Goblins.

Step 1

Fill in any obvious gaps. The main issue was the fabric on the ship itself that had a large gap but a little green stuff sorted that out

Step 2

I primed the model in black, then had to release the model a couple of times as it just wouldn’t stick.  Finally I get a nice even coat.  It may just be me not being thorough enough but I do seem to have issues with Moonstone resins

Step 3

I then decided that black was too dark to work with my colour scheme so I painted the model grey. I went with GW mech standard grey.  I then painted the bottom section silver – GW lead belcher, I also painted the metal at the top this cover.   When dried I then gave the metal colour a wash – GW Agrax

Steps 1-3Steps 1-3

Step 4

Painted the fabric blue   Use P3 Cygnar blue highlight  then mixed with increasing amounts of white for the highlights.  I also used this on the telescope lens.

Step 5

I then painted the leather.  I went for GW Mournfang for the base colour.  Highlighting up by first mixing in Scrag brown and then Deathclaw brown.  I think it turned out alright

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