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Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

Bob's Black Bulls 11th Armoured Division.

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Move 3 , Holding the Line

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Move 3 , Holding the Line

The 3rd objective was revealed, and it’s rule was it was sole printable objective from move 6!

Americans got 2 x Reinforcements so brought on the M36’s which arrived Centrally,and 3 Pershings which arrived on far left flank.

1st dice was pulled, and it was a blue, so the Super Pershings opened fire on the remaining JS2s scoring just sufficient hits to destroy them and claim their 1st 3 victory

Move 3 , Holding the Line
Move 3 , Holding the Line

Next was a red dice and it was decision time. I decided to activate the T44’s,  and try and whittle down the incoming fire as had a plan!

As they could only hurt the Easy Eights they poured 8 shots on to them but only managed two bail outs due to good armor save rolls and bad firepower checks.

Move 3 , Holding the Line
Move 3 , Holding the Line

Another Blue dice came out and the Assualt Pershings returned the Soviet Fire, before rolling to hit the Soviets played the tactical Cammo card making them +1 to hit, which was to save the unit for this turn.

Only one hit out of 6 shots and it managed to bounce the shot on armour save.

Another Blue dice pulled, and American player had choice of move towards objective 1 or pour more fire on hapless T44’s,  it chose the latter  with an American tactical of +2 to penetration despite this they only managed 3 bailouts leaving 2x T44’s fully operational.

Then it was red, and the 1st troop of T34’s moved forward to seize objective 1, plus the found two had side shots at an Easy 8 which they quickly dispatched for the 1st actual Soviet kill.

Another Red and the Soviets moved their 2nd Troop of T34’s, but were unable to get into range, which turned out to be fatal as the next dice was the American Commanders dice  he put 3 hots into the T34’s bailing one out, then ordered rhe M36’s forward who promptly knocked out the remaining 2 and a 2nd bailout, wiping the unit for a further 3 victory points.

Move 3 , Holding the Line
Move 3 , Holding the Line

Then it was another Blue so in an attempt to denie the Soviets 3 pts moved forward and engaged the T44’s who again did enough of an Armour save to reduce the hits to potential bailouts  , and lose firepower tests meant 1 stayed in to Claim that moves victory pts.

Only Soviet Dice remained as the one Blue had already been activated by the command dice.

1st the JS3’S moved forward so they would be in position to take over objective 3 if the T44’s were destroyed, and opened fire on the Approaching Pershings scoring a 6 and knocking it out.

The Soviet Command forced another bail out on the Easy Eights and the ISU 130’s failed all their cross tests so we’re stuck in fog  but still managing 3 victory pts.

So at end of move Soviets had 9 pts for all the objectives taking total to 18 and The Americans on 6 for Destroying 2 units.

Move 3 , Holding the Line

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