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Grand Moff Tarkin needs his feed massaged

Grand Moff Tarkin needs his feed massaged

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Project Blog by sundancer Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 9

About the Project

So some time back I came across this mini depicting Grand Moff Tarkin with slippers and a mug of tea. Even though SWL didn't have rules for him at the time I needed to have him!

This Project is Completed

Phase 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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With AMG now revamping SW:L and launching some new commanders (including Tarkin) I just had to paint him. He’ll be game ready once the official mini lands.


First step was easy. Prime black and then spray it Army Painter Uniform Grey. Yes it may not be screen accurate but all my SW:L empire forces have that colour so… Barbarian Flesh for the skin, Pure Red for the mug and Pixie Pink for them slippers. Black for the belt and Mithril Silver for the metal bits.

Now paint the base black after I filled the 3D printing lines with Valejo putty (wish I had that done before assembly) and added a wash to the rest. Let dry over night.

Finally highlighting everything with the original colour again after the wash dried and add a face to the slippers. DONE!

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