Want To Know More? Corvus Belli’s Infinite Assistant Launches

July 24, 2024 by brennon

In the wake of their awesome announcement for the Infinity Animated Series, Paradise Lost, Corvus Belli also revealed their new Infinite Assistant by the name of Sibylla who will tell you what you need to know about Infinity and the Human Sphere. Ask and find out!

Infinity Assistant - Corvus Belli

Infinity Assistant // Corvus Belli

Check Out The Infinity Hub For More

You simply type in a question and the Infinite Assistant, Sibylla, will come back with an answer that should hopefully help you get to know the Infinity world and the Human Sphere a little bit more. I asked some questions as you can see in the snapshot down below.

Example Questions - Infinity AI

Example Questions // Infinite AI

Here you can see that I asked it about "good guys" in the Infinity Universe and it gave me a cool answer. The same goes for asking about the most recent conflict in the Human Sphere, focusing in on Paradiso and the clash there with the rise of the Combined Army.

It's worth going and having a play around to see if this can give you some cool insight into the Infinity Universe. It will be particularly handy for those new people coming into the game after seeing the trailer for Paradise Lost.

Do I sense an ALEPH plot to overthrow us all? Yes? Will I stop asking questions? No! As long as I say thank you I should be ok, right?

Will you be checking out Infinite AI?

"It's worth going and having a play around to see if this can give you some cool insight into the Infinity Universe..."

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