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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Flaming Cows arrive!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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17th July 2024

I had prepped the mini previously. Filling some of the larger gaps with milliput, cleaning the mould lines (that I could get to) and priming. For the flames I planned to paint them the same way that I painted my beacon flames in last year’s terrain fest project.

Again, didn’t take many pics during the process, as I was just on a roll. The flames started out as a basic yellow contrast. I followed this with a red drybrush on the higher areas, leaving a good amount of yellow showing. Next up was a drybrush of red mixed with black, but on smaller areas. Then it was black then grey on progressively smaller areas each time. I also picked out some ribs that had been burnt through to on one side.

The cows didn’t come on a base, so I decided that I would give them a basic round base, painted up in my standard ‘street’ fashion. I also tidied up the white on the cows, followed by picking out the black markings. Added pink for the noses and udders, then I stippled on some brown to represent mud, dirt and ‘other stuff’ on the cows….

Then it was on to some highlights, adding some details such as eyes etc, some leaves on the base….. and the flaming cows were done ?

Flaming Cows arrive!
Flaming Cows arrive!
Flaming Cows arrive!
Flaming Cows arrive!

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