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Draconis does….  Mars Attacks!

Draconis does…. Mars Attacks!

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Second bug down

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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16th July 2024

Onto the second giant mutant bug, this time the ‘spider’. I had already given it a basic yellow contrast over the whole thing. I Liked the studio example with black and yellow patterning, so wanted to do something akin to that.

I gave the yellow contrast a light drybrush with ivory. Then it was onto applying the black pattern elements using first contrast Black Templar, then the darker Black Legion to block it out.

I added the black eyes and foot claws, and gave them a coat of gloss varnish. The black sides were given and highlight of a couple of stages of grey, as were parts of the big claws. On parts of the carapace I added some dot patterns, like I had done on the other bug.

Second bug down

I found the yellow back a little plain, so decided to add some of the black dot patterns down that as well, which seemed to help. Then it was onto the basing, using the same method as for the other bug. Some stippling of a lighter grey, yellow road markings, some further stippling, streaking grime and leaves etc.

Second bug down
Second bug down
Second bug down
Second bug down
Getting there.....Getting there.....

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