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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Building the Autumn West

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Signs, Signs, everywhere there's signs

My freehanding skills suck. A lot.

I can look at my screen while drawing on a wacom tablet, but if I have to actually look at what Im painting, it doesnt work. Brains are weird.

So I figured the easiest way, for me, to get the Storefront signage that I wanted was to just print it.

Some quick measurements of the Great Escape Games storefront facades, and a quick sketch in Inkscape to get the sizing right.

Just a quick rectangle, and then a circle, each of the appropriate size.

Select both shapes, Then just align them to be centered.


Building the Autumn West

Then Path>Union to merge them into a single shape

I wanted my text to match the arch of top of the facade so I needed to do a few extra steps.


Next was to select the corner node and the node at the base of the semi-circle, and the break the path. and then repeat on the other side.



Building the Autumn West

I then deleted all the nodes except the 3 points that make up the arch.

I then type out the text I want, select the font, and scale it to approximately the size I wanted.

I make sure that the Text is set to Centered. If you dont center your text, the text will not flow along the arch correctly.

Building the Autumn West

Next I just tweak the arched path a bit until the flow of the text looks good, I type out the lower text, double checking against my original shape to make sure it looks ok. I convert each text to an object using Path>Object to Path

Once the tow texts are converted to paths, I delete everything but the text. and save the svg (you should save a master before you delete everything.)


Building the Autumn West

from there, I take the svg, import it into Tinkercad, not that its the best, just that its the fastest and easiest to explain to other, I set the height of the imported svg to 0.6mm. I then connect the letters with some 0.2mm basic shapes. merge it all together, export the .stl, and the.  print on my FDM printer.

A dab of superglue, and I can paint up custom facades without having to freehand anything.

All told it takes me about 3 minutes to get from inkscape to the 3d printer, and then about 10 minutes to print.


Your mileage may very,


Building the Autumn West
Building the Autumn West

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