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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Have Rune, Will Travel

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Trait: Seidkona
Seiðr is the potent and a powerful art of blending rare ingredients with the thaumaturgic essences of the arcane.

formulations are crafted before the game starts, each potion is a single use effect. Each model may only benefit from a single effect a time. Using a Seiðr creation takes 1 action.

Concoctions not used during a game remain in the Aett’s cache and can be used in the next game. If a model is knocked Out of Action, regardless of the outcome of the Post Game Out of Action rolls, any elixirs carried are lost or destroyed.

Each purchase of the Siedkona trait allows the witch to brew additional formulas between games; as well as, increasing the Potency of recipes.
1 – 3 formulas
X2 – 3 formulas, Potency 2
X3 – 5 formulas. Potency 3

Seidkona begin the campaign with 4 formulas

Have Rune, Will Travel

Elixir of Fortitude
“The brave shall live and the coward shall die; in every deed let him who dares act courageously.”
This elixir fortifies the drinker’s resolve, making them nearly impervious to harm for a brief time.
Effect: Grants -1 to all Wound rolls made against this model this turn.
Potency :
2 – effect ends after their next activation.
3 – as above, model also grants +1 to any Recovery rolls made by this model for the duration.

Potion of Swiftness
“Quickly shall he learn who seeks, for himself, success in every matter.”
A draught that imbues the user with the speed of the wind, allowing them to outpace their foes.
Effect: Move an additional 3 inches this turn.
2 – move an addition 5 inches.
3 – as above, also ignores terrain penalties

“The sword age, the wind age, the wolf age; ere the world falls, no man will spare another.”
A volatile concoction that bursts into flames, engulfing all nearby in searing fire.
Effect: see Grenades (p.33 Core Rule Book), Blast 3. Roll d10, on a 3+ place 1 Fire Marker (p.23 Core Rule Book)
2 – As above, Blast 5
3 – As above, No roll needed for fire starting, place 2 Fire Markers

Healing Salve
“The gift which to all men, graciously, gods give for the betterment of the soul.”
A soothing balm that heals wounds and restores vitality to the injured.
Effect: Heal 1 wound, can be used on self or another model in base contact
2 – Heal 2 wounds
3 – Fully Heal this model, and remove any Shock markers.

Smoke Bomb
“Hidden are treasures, buried are riches, in the field of war.”
A small device that releases a thick, obscuring smoke, blocking line of sight with noxious smoke
Effect: As Smoke Grenades (p34 CRB), but those who enter the cloud suffer 1 Shock
2 – As above, smoke dissipates on 8+
3 – As above, 2 Shock

Stone Skin Tonic
“Stone, shall my sinews become, until the fight is done.”
This tonic hardens the skin to the toughness of rock, making the user nigh invulnerable.
Effect: Gain Armored trait until end of turn.
2 – As above, Heavy Armor
3 – as above, no penalties for heavy armor.

Lightning Phial
“The flashing of fire from the storm’s hand, to cleave the dark.”
A vial containing the essence of a storm, lightning crackles around the users fists
Effect: changes the user’s Close Combat to d12
2 – as above gain +1 to CC roll
3 – roll 2d12 in CC, choose 1.

Frost Grenade
“Cold were the waves, when the frost from the north came over the sea.”
A chilling explosive that releases a burst of freezing air, hindering the movements of those caught in its blast.
Effect: See Grenades (p33 CRB). Blast 5. Reduces the distance of next Move Action for any models caught under the template by 2”.
2 – as above, next Move action is Halved.
3 – Models may not make Move Actions during their next Activation.

Tincture of Giant Strength
“A giant came there, riding with great strength, and the mighty gods were struck with terror.”
This powerful brew imbues the drinker with immense strength, turning them into a fearsome combatant.
Effect: grants the Strong until the end of the turn
2 – as above, lasts until the end of the models next activation
3 – as above, grants +2 to Wound rolls in Close Combat.

Invisibility Potion
“Hidden from the eyes of men, the shadow walks unseen.”
A rare potion that renders the user invisible, allowing them to move unseen by enemies.
Effect: User becomes Hidden and cannot be targeted until the end of the turn. User loses Hidden if they Move, Shoot, or engage in CC.
2 – as above, model may Move
3 – as above, model may Shoot

Valiant Flask
“A wall, unseen yet firm, protects the valiant heart.”
This potion imbues its user with surge of courage beyond measure.
Effect: Remove 1 Shock marker.
2 – Remove 2 Shock
3 – As Above, cannot gain Shock markers for the rest of the turn.

Essence of Clarity
“Clearer than the morning light, the wise perceive all things.”
A mystical aromatic brew that sharpens the mind, enhancing senses with preternatural acuity.
Effect: May target magically Hidden models within Line of Sight, and target Creeping models with no penalty.
2 – All models within 1” of the user gain the above effect.
3 – as above, all models within 3”

Gleam of the Myrkwood
“In the dark of night, troll eyes see true.”
This potion grants the ability to see in darkness, revealing hidden foes.
Effect: grants the user Night Vision trait for 2 turns.
2 – as above until end of game
3 – Grants the Myrkisyni trait until end of game.

Venom Vial
“Foul is the venom, and deadly the bite.”
A vial of potent poison is spilled across the weapon, adding to it’s deadly nature.
Effect: A close combat weapon gains the *Poison/Venom trait for its next attack.
2 – The trait remains until a Wound is made
3 – The trait remains until the End of the Game. Player loses 2 RP

Featherfall Cordial
“The eagle moves with great speed, but its feathers fall with grace.”
A light potion that negates fall damage and grants enhanced agility.
Effect: Prevents fall damage until end of turn.
2 – as above, and grants Leaper trait
3 – as above, until end of game.

Tonic of Fury
“but his own men went without armor, were as mad as dogs or wolves, bit their shields, and were as strong as bears or wild bulls. They killed people, and neither fire nor iron could hurt them.”
This tonic fills the drinker with unbridled rage, enhancing their combat prowess.
Effect: Grants the Bloodthirsty trait for the remainder of the game.
2 – as above and Street Fighter. Model goes Out of Action at the end of the game.
3 – as above and *Impervious. Model goes Out of Action at end of 3 turns.

Water Breathing Lotion
“Deep beneath the waves, is Aegir’s Gleaming Hall”
A magical lotion that enables the user to breathe underwater and move unimpeded.
Effect: Grants the Amphibious trait until the end of the game.
2 – as above, but model can remain underwater when swimming, thus being untargetable from the surface.
3 – As above, but model moves at 8” in deep water.

Dragonfire Elixir
“From the wyrm’s maw, comes death.
A potent elixir that grants the user the ability to breathe fire, scorching everything in their path.
Effect: use the Small Flame Template (see Templates), any model half or more under the template is hit. Roll to Wound any models hit.
2 – As above, roll a d10 for each model hit, on a 8+, that model is set On Fire!.
3 – As above, models are set On Fire! on 5+

On Fire!: At the end of the turn, roll a d10 for any model that is On Fire!
1-4: Fire goes out;
5-8: Model remains On Fire!;
9-10: Model remains On Fire!, and roll to Wound
Models that are On Fire! can use 2 action to put the fire out. Alternatively moving into deep water or going prone in shallow water will extinguish the flames.

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