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Lidl Mystery Aisle

Lidl Mystery Aisle

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Tutoring 5
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I could have made these with a cowboy or moderns genre in mind like the film  Tremors. I was focused on painting some Silver Bayonet Canada models so that skewed the way I was inspired. The mottled white outer casing of the shells and the thought of these things erupting out of a snowdrift made me think about making snowy terrain ones to begin with.

I chose a Khorne Red for the tongue. I chose to have some with and some without the spear tongue to show that they fire out their tongue the stab their prey. I imagine the shape of the tongue can either puncture their prey and drag them into the mouth, or perhaps just ambush and wound them and poison them similar to a Komodo dragon and gobble them up once they fall over with a thud latter on.I chose a Khorne Red for the tongue. I chose to have some with and some without the spear tongue to show that they fire out their tongue the stab their prey. I imagine the shape of the tongue can either puncture their prey and drag them into the mouth, or perhaps just ambush and wound them and poison them similar to a Komodo dragon and gobble them up once they fall over with a thud latter on.

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