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Sculpting Old Stones

Sculpting Old Stones

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Plasticine Megaliths

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Ok, for the first bit of sculpting, I used plasticine around a very basic wire armature (knocked together from big paper clips). I bought a cheap set of sculpting tools from Amazon but to be honest I got the most use out of a bit of dowling, a lolly stick and a coffee stirrer which I carved up a bit to make tools out of. I also used the obligatory scrunched-up tinfoil to create a bit of texture.

The first sculpt is just my freehand version of a generic Dolmen but I’ll put in a photo of a similar site at Paulnabrone, County Clare to give an example. The other sculpt is my version of one of the standing stones on Machrie Moor on the Isle of Arran.

I used a Revopoint scanner to record each sculpt and then did just a tiny bit of tidying up in Blender and then just printed them. I think they turned out OK for a first go. I’ll get them painted up soon and see how they look then.

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Cult of Games Member

What a great idea. They came out looking really good.

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