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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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The Charge of Running Wolf

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Seeing Angry Bear dispatch a Tin Man inspired Running Wolf to run, weave and dodge towards the other Tin Man.  With unnatural reflexes the Tin Man cracks off two quick shots.  The first misses causing Running Wolf to surge forward.  The second though hits Running Wolf directly in the chest.  But then something… odd? happens.

Mid leap, Running Wolf is frozen in place, unable to move a muscle.  Almost as if HE was a tin based figure …

The Tin Man freezes Running Wolf in place. Does the Tin Man trust his superior technology and begin shooting other targets or does he just dispatch the frozen Indian brave? The Tin Man freezes Running Wolf in place. Does the Tin Man trust his superior technology and begin shooting other targets or does he just dispatch the frozen Indian brave?

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