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Scribbs' Incidental Diversions

Scribbs' Incidental Diversions

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Elucidian Starstriders - Rogue Trader & Officers

Tutoring 5
Skill 7
Idea 7
Second half of the Elucidian Starstriders Kill Team, which essentially covers all the Rogue Trader and her officers. I tried to give each figure a bit more individual colour schemes, whilst still keeping some sense of unity across the whole.Second half of the Elucidian Starstriders Kill Team, which essentially covers all the Rogue Trader and her officers. I tried to give each figure a bit more individual colour schemes, whilst still keeping some sense of unity across the whole.
Finished Kill Team all together.Finished Kill Team all together.

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Cult of Games Member

Lords and ladies FancyHat!

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