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A Brave New World

A Brave New World

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So, was it barbequed Brahmin or food to go.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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For this scenario, I decided we would give ourselves a fairly generous turn limit to get the Brahmin safely across the table.  15 turns sounded like a lot, but with the Brahmin easily startled it could end up heading in the wrong direction at any point, coupled with the fact that the two settlers were the only ones who had any chance of guiding the beast, they would probably be doing their best to avoid combat.

I had also sneakily hidden not one but two Machine Gun turrets on the board.  These are on overwatch and will shoot at any enemy model that takes an action once within its range.

The main antagonist of the Raiders was also not on the table at the start, so would be a nice surprise when she turns up in her Raider Power Armour

So, was it barbequed Brahmin or food to go.
The Raiders start to scurry out of their hiding places as the Brahmnin and its escort troop turn up.The Raiders start to scurry out of their hiding places as the Brahmnin and its escort troop turn up.
One of the settlers is unfortunate enough to get caught by the Raiders leader and ends up as a smear against a dead tree.One of the settlers is unfortunate enough to get caught by the Raiders leader and ends up as a smear against a dead tree.
Pesto Gravy and the Single Entity engage the Raider Leader, doing their best to keep the other members of their party out of harms way.Pesto Gravy and the Single Entity engage the Raider Leader, doing their best to keep the other members of their party out of harms way.
Meanwhile, Hyper and the remaining Settler make a break for it passing under the wing of the crashed aircraft, only to come face to face with another Raider.   Startled the Brahmin charges back under the wing knocking both Hyper and the settler aside.Meanwhile, Hyper and the remaining Settler make a break for it passing under the wing of the crashed aircraft, only to come face to face with another Raider. Startled the Brahmin charges back under the wing knocking both Hyper and the settler aside.
So, was it barbequed Brahmin or food to go.
With the Raders taken care of all that remains is to create a safe passage for the Brahmnin by taking care of the automated turrets.With the Raders taken care of all that remains is to create a safe passage for the Brahmnin by taking care of the automated turrets.

Once again, we tried to do a video battle report, this time with a more static camera angle.

The gameplay starts at the 17:45 mark   Before that Adam and Tarron of Alpha Strike Games here in Perth Western Australia drive over and discuss the upcoming game and the results of the last game we played.

Full disclaimer, I’m sure we get some rules wrong, but we don’t mind, as long as we come up with a solution that makes sense it’s all good with us.   After all we are pretty new to the game, and these are as much about us learning as anything else, they are, most definitely not, how to play videos.

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