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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Cowboys vs. Aliens

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Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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The perfidious Wade gang use the hostages (specimens)as shields and rush towards the saucer.  The perfidious Wade gang use the hostages (specimens)as shields and rush towards the saucer.
Plenty of mesas and cactus, not to mention specimens (hostages) as cover.  Plenty of mesas and cactus, not to mention specimens (hostages) as cover.
The Indians superior knowledge of the local terrain allows them to move rapidly to cover and begin to dominate the central area the hostages will have to move through.  The Indians superior knowledge of the local terrain allows them to move rapidly to cover and begin to dominate the central area the hostages will have to move through.
The cowboys use the low mesas as cover waiting to take their shots for fear of possibly hitting the hostages by accident.  The cowboys use the low mesas as cover waiting to take their shots for fear of possibly hitting the hostages by accident.
A Tin Man takes cover and goes on Overwatch waiting for the perfect opportunity to shoot.  Apparently his anti gravity device works.  Or he’s in Australia.A Tin Man takes cover and goes on Overwatch waiting for the perfect opportunity to shoot. Apparently his anti gravity device works. Or he’s in Australia.

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