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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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The Good, The Bad, and The Loki

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Below you will find a collection of monsters, creatures and other denizens of the Autumn West. We highly encourage you to look through many of the other Fistful of Lead books by Wiley Games for additional creatures, rules, and inspiration. Page numbers in this chapter refer to Fistful of Lead Core Rule Book.

The Good, The Bad, and The Loki

Driven by unending rage, the Aptrgangr are vengeful spirits that return to the world of the living to exact revenge. Their twisted forms and terrifying strength make them formidable opponents.
Move: 6
Close Combat: d8/d10/d12
Shoot: –
Wounds: 4
Bloodthirsty (p.26),
Frenzied Assault: Aptrgangr’s Close Combat dice increase one tier each time they suffer a wound to a max of d12

Cactus Golem
Formed from the hardy cacti of the desert, these golems are animated by ancient magic. Their spiny bodies are tough and resilient, making them formidable defenders of the barren landscapes they call home.
Move: 4
Close Combat: d10
Shoot: d8
Wounds: 6
Impervious (p.27),
Thorny Exterior: is never considered unarmed in close combat
Thorn Launcher: Treat as pistol.

Once lawless bandits, these revenants return from beyond the grave to reclaim what was lost in life. Clad in tattered garb and bearing a hunger for flesh ripped from the bone by their bare hands, they stalk the dusty trails of the frontier, seeking vengeance on those who wronged them.
Move: 5
Close Combat: 12
Shoot: –
Wounds: 6
Blood Thirsty (p.26), Ferocious (p.26)
Unshakable: This model never gains shock markers.

Gunnlod’s Brood
Born of Gunnlod, the guardian of the Mead of Poetry, these spectral beings haunt the desolate canyons of the West. Their shimmering forms glide through the night, echoing the whispers of forgotten verses. They strike fear into the hearts of even the bravest cowboys, their ethereal touch chilling to the bone.
Move: 6
Close Combat: d10
Shoot: –
Wounds: 3
Ethereal Presence: Can move through obstacles and models.
Whisper of the Norns: All enemy models within 6” suffer a -2 penalty to close combat rolls. Einheri do not suffer this penalty, as they have already drank the Mead of Poetry.

Ironclad Jotunn
Towering over the landscape like a mountain of iron, the Ironclad Jotunn strides across the West with earth-shaking footsteps. Clad in armor forged in the heart of Nidavellir, it wields a colossal weapon of war with ease, its every strike sending shock-waves rippling through the earth. To face this behemoth is to challenge the very forces of nature itself.
Move: 5
Close Combat: d12
Shoot: d8
Wounds: 8
Titanic Strength: This model gains +2 to any wound rolls made in close combat. As well as +2 to knock down door, or walls, and can carry Team Weapons
Colossal: This model’s size makes them an easy target, enemies shoot at this model gain a +3 on their Shooting roll.
Armor: This model wears Heavy Armor (p.36)

These monstrous beings are the result of dark curses and desperate hunger. The Wendigo stalks the wilderness with insatiable hunger, its emaciated form belied by its terrifying strength and speed.
Move: 10
Close Combat: d10
Shoot: –
Wounds: 6
Thundering Charge(p.29), Ferocious(p.26)
Cannibal’s Curse: regains a wound whenever it takes another model Out of Action in close combat.

Wyrm of the Badlands
From the depths of the scorched earth, the Wyrm of the Badlands emerges, a slithering terror of fangs and venom. This monstrous serpent, coils and strikes with lightning speed, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. Its scales gleam in the harsh desert sun, a warning to all who dare to cross its path.
Move: 5
Close Combat: d12
Shoot: –
Wounds: 3
Armored Scales: the Wyrm’s scales count as Light Armor. (p.36)
Venom (p.28)
Fangs: counts as a knife in close combat

The restless spirits of children who had died unbaptized or unwanted, often abandoned or murdered, their souls twisted by anguish and rage, the Utburd are now debased and filled with malice. Their eyes burn with an unnatural fire, and they move with eerie purpose.
Move: 5
Close Combat: 12
Shoot: –
Wounds: 2
Impervious (p.27), Small (p.28), Cold Blooded (p.26)
Shadow Walker: Gains gains Sprinter (p.27) trait at night or in low-light conditions.

Larger and more ferocious than any normal wolf, the Vargr prowls the untamed wilderness of the Autumn West, its eyes glowing with a predatory intelligence. With muscles rippling beneath its shaggy fur and fangs as sharp as knives, it is the embodiment of the wild, untamed spirit of the frontier. Whether stalking its prey in the dead of night or launching a furious attack at dawn, the Vargr is a force of nature that few can hope to survive. Its howl, echoing through the canyons and forests, sends a shiver down the spine of all who hear it, a harbinger of the savage beast that lies in wait.
Move: 6
Close Combat: d10
Shoot: –
Wounds: 4
Sprinter (p.28), Large (p.27), Flurry of Blows (p.27)
Fangs: counts as a knife in close combat.

The Good, The Bad, and The Loki

Other Fistful of Lead titles that may be quick and easy sources of monsters and other denizens suitable for the Autumn West.

Fistful of Lead Fantasy Book III: Monsters and Mazes.
The Manual of Monster in this book contains rules for an absolute mother lode of rules monsters and baddies to utilize in your games.

Fistful of Lead Tales of Horror
Rules for a plethora of Victorian baddies: Vampires, Cultists, Werewolves, Necromancers, and more!

Fistful of Lead Reloaded 2nd Edition
There is a certain irony that Runestone uses the Core Rule Book as its basis, when a book dedicated to the wild west exists.

Fistful of Lead Wasteland Warriors
Post-apocalyptic rules for FfoL, featuring mutations, and a menagerie of suitable creatures.

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