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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Aesir & Eights

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The underworld. An ice-clad land of dense creeping mist and darkness. The beating of the wings of the carrion birds create howling gales that force the cold to bite deep and the winds tear at the flesh. It is a primordial realm of ice and darkness. It is the birthplace of fear and dread.

Terrain options for games set in the realms of Niflheim should feature snow, ice, or cold barren rock with as many skeletons and corpses as you have access to.

Aesir & Eights

Notable Realms of Niflheim

Helheim: The realm of Hel Lokenasdottir, it is the a land of the dead. A subterranean realm located deep below the ground. Those who died of illness or old age, are buried with the supplies needed to cross the Gjoll Bridge and reach Hel’s Hall – Eljudnir.

Nastrond: The pit beneath the roots of the World Tree, it is the home of the great dragon Nidhoggr, it is the final punishment for murderers and oath-breakers.

Hvergelmir: The well from which all waters rise. The bubbling spring is located deep into Niflheim, and it is thought that those who drink of its waters see the source of the cycle of life and death.

Nagrindr – The Corpse Fence. The great fortifications that surround Helheim and separate it from the rest of Niflheim. Made from the corpses of the dishonorable.

An illustration of Náströnd (1895) by Lorenz Frølich.An illustration of Náströnd (1895) by Lorenz Frølich.

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