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Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

Runestone: Six Gun Ragnarok

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Aesir & Eights

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Homeworld of the Aesir. The great walls around Asgard have been sundered, its safe and guarded bridge to the other worlds burned to ash. Asgard is a desolate wasteland, over run by monsters and nightmares. The Einherjar and those Aesir that still live battle against the Muspellsynir and their dire beasts. Those outsiders that find their way through the cracks and broken holes in the great wall, rarely ever make it out again.

Terrain for games set in Asgard might be scorched earth style ruins, dark age or viking terrain, or even Rohan terrain from the Middle Earth miniature games.

Aesir & Eights

Notable Realms of Asgard:

Trudheim: the realm of Thor, and location of his hall: Bilskirner

Valhalla: The realm of Odin, its contains the silver and gold covered hall of Valaskalf, as well as the Allfather’s throne, Hlidskalf. The great feast hall of Sokkvaback is also found in this realm, along with the great meeting hall of the 13 highest ranking Aesir, Gladsheim.

Himinbjorg: The meadows around Bifrost, the domain of Heimdall. The shattering of the bridge has left this realm a desolate scorched earth.

Breidablick: the realm ruled by Baldur, on the outskirts of Asgard.

Vide: the deep dark forests of Asgard, home to the god of vengeance, Vidar

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