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Building the Old West

Building the Old West

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Cowboys vs. Aliens

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

I did a thing.

This will be for one specific scenario and if someone doesn’t enjoy the whimsy the saucermen and robots can be replaced by Indians.

A Zenithan from Hydra Miniatures.  A Zenithan from Hydra Miniatures.

I used Army Painter Necrotic Green for the head and washed it with Green Tone.  The eyes are Pure Red also from Army Painter.  The raygun is Army Painter Gun Metal the uniform is Army Painter Hydra Turquoise and the chest insignia is Army Painter Bright Gold washed in GW Seraphim Sepia and the jewel in the center is Army Painter Cobalt Metal.  Arms and legs are GW Eshin Gray and then everything except the head was washed in GW Nuln Oil Gloss and the Turquoise parts highlighted back up with Hydra Turquoise.  Everything was then given a matte coat with Vallejo spray matte.

Robot Legion miniature also from Hydra Miniatures. Army Painter spray Plate Metal primer with Vallejo brass and GW Tesseract Glow?  They’re from an older project.  Robot Legion miniature also from Hydra Miniatures. Army Painter spray Plate Metal primer with Vallejo brass and GW Tesseract Glow? They’re from an older project.
Top side of the flying saucer.  It’s a plastic kit from Pegasus.  Top side of the flying saucer. It’s a plastic kit from Pegasus.
Underside of saucer.  Underside of saucer.

The saucer was spray painted with Army Painter Plate Metal and the darker panels painted with Gun Metal.  Panel lines were done using Tamiya black panel liner.

I didn’t glue the two halves together as I think I can light it from the inside using one of those battery powered led candlelights.

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Cult of Games Member

Awesome idea! This will definitely be a good scenario to see played out as a batrep.

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