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Deathship One

Deathship One

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The excuse - Wargames Atlantic Harvesters

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
Initial scheme. Painted black and dry brushed grey. High white dry brush and followed by an orange contrast paint. Highlighted with orange and higher highlight of yellow.Initial scheme. Painted black and dry brushed grey. High white dry brush and followed by an orange contrast paint. Highlighted with orange and higher highlight of yellow.
I saw that the bestiary gave you scope to have insect like small aliens and teeth heavy Tyranidesque aliens. The Harvester box had been something I wanted since the previews some time ago. This project gave me the excuse I wanted to buy a box.I saw that the bestiary gave you scope to have insect like small aliens and teeth heavy Tyranidesque aliens. The Harvester box had been something I wanted since the previews some time ago. This project gave me the excuse I wanted to buy a box.
The excuse - Wargames Atlantic Harvesters

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dugthefug1644nightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

The first time I am seeing the Highlanders. They literally slipped my radar. They look like really nice models. Also, your work on then is great. They look like they can take on aliens from outer-space anytime.

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